Idilio is Official

Here is a quick update (for a change!)... This Sunday, on what was likely our season's next-to-last boat weekend, we found the time to get the new name on the transom. It's been a long time coming and marks another benchmark in truly making the boat ours. While the application of the name is obviously the "big moment," we have been working on making this happen since way back during our first visits to the boat last year. Removing the old name was one of the things we did during our very first project weekend in our beloved warehouse in Manitowoc, as previously documented here (scroll towards end). Then, of course, we had to come up a name! We spent countless hours brainstorming, which helped to shorten many our Manitowoc drives. The list soon became long... 65 names long in fact... Many names were inspired by dancing, the Tollycraft brand, the idea of bringing something back from the brink, my original obsession with buying a Hatteras, etc. Many were in Spanish. So...