Adventures in Interior Design: Diving In

Have you ever assumed you could just magically do something that another person makes a whole career out of? You figure, if you just use gumption to make up for your lack of industry skills, surely it will be fine. If your answer is “obviously yes,” you are probably familiar with the whole oh-this-is-actually-very-hard-good-luck-to-me feeling that tends to wash over you in the depths of your DIY projects. That’s where I live lately. As you’ve guessed by the title of this post, the professional I’m pretending to be is an interior designer… and a design-builder at that. When we saw Idilio for the first time, it felt really easy to imagine the slivery pinkish fabrics replaced with something fresh and inspiring, the wall to wall mildewy-blush wallpaper swapped for something lively but classic. It shall be the ultimate canvas, I thought, having recently dipped a toe into the world of surface design. It seemed like the most exciting piece of the project to me, being significantly less motiva...